A lone cyclist on the Schuylkill River Trail with spring blooms behind

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The City has determined that the technology for the pedestrian gates at Race Street was water damaged due to the recent flood. The City has directed...
Pusuant to a Mayoral Executive Order, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation—in conjunction with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health—recently...
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We are looking for people to help with flood cleanup on Schuylkill Banks on the following dates: Saturday, May 3 from 9:30am-noon Sunday, May 4 from 9...
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Schuylkill Banks Riverboat Tours return to the Banks starting this Mother's Day! Treat Mom to a special Boat to Bartram’s Garden tour, departing on...
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As many of you have seen firsthand, Schuylkill Banks is severely flooded due to last night's heavy rains. The trail is unsafe for use and is currently...