JFK Blvd. Bridge Enhancements

PennDOT undertook structural improvements to the JFK Boulevard Bridge in 2008 and 2009.
SRDC approached PennDOT late in the design effort seeking trail access and a wider sidewalk on the south side of the bridge. KSK was retained by SRDC to develop a proposed promenade which was incorporated into the project by PennDOT as a project cost. New amenities included a wider sidewalk on the south side of the bridge, more open railings to allow views of the river and greenway, new benches along the bridge, decorative sidewalk paving along JFK Boulevard and Schuylkill Avenue, a new gateway pergola and stair tower down to Schuylkill Banks, a new decorative clock in front of 30th Street Station, and decorative plantings at the base of the new stair tower.
The bridge project was designed by Amman & Whitney and JMT Engineering. Construction was completed by Driscoll Construction Company. Funding was provided by PennDOT.