Chestnut Street Bridge Reconstruction Will Impact Trail

PennDOT is performing much needed repairs to the Chestnut Street Bridge. As part of this work, the contractor is repairing and repointing the masonry on the piers and abutment – the structural support of the bridge. To perform this work, the current north-bound trail traffic has been combined with the south-bound trail traffic (see drawing and photo). Also, the 9/11 memorial located south of the bridge has been temporarily covered with a wooden box to protect the memorial during construction. There is a small window on the river-side of the box, so trail users can still view the memorial.
As a reminder, the existing sink hole (located just south of the Chestnut Street Bridge in the south-bound lane) has been temporarily covered with a steel plate and asphalt during this initial construction phase. PennDOT has incorporated the permanent repair of this area into their contract and work is expected to take place in winter 2020. There will be a short period of a month or two when a complete closure of the trail will be needed. A detour for trail users through the street network will be posted. This closure is unavoidable, but is being scheduled in the winter when trail traffic is lower. Learn more here.
We ask all trail users to exercise caution while negotiating this area over the coming months. And we appreciate PennDOT’s support of our efforts here.
Post updated January 11, 2019.