A lone cyclist on the Schuylkill River Trail with spring blooms behind

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The first snow storm of the season has melted away, our programming season has come to a close, and we head into a long Thanksgiving weekend...
Riverboat tour on Schuylkill Banks
Don't miss out on your chance to see the river from a new perspective this season! There are only a couple of tandems left to reserve on the September...
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Can you believe there is only one more movie night of the season?! Join us on Thursday, August 23 for Jurassic Park. The movie will start at 8:15pm...
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SRDC has a new Summer Program Assistant! Through October, Evron Hadly will be on the Banks answering trail user questions and helping out with events...
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PennDOT is performing much needed repairs to the Chestnut Street Bridge. As part of this work, the contractor is repairing and repointing the masonry...