Make a Difference on the Banks


Do you enjoy walking, running, biking or relaxing on Schuylkill Banks? Have you spent the evening watching a free movie on the Banks or explored the Schuylkill on a riverboat or kayk tour? Do you appreciate escaping to a clean, green riverfront in the heart of Philadelphia? Would you like to become a bigger part of the Schuylkill Banks success story?

SRDC depends on donations from trail heroes like you to support daily operations, including graffiti removal, picking up trash, and maintaining trail landscaping. Last year, we spent more than $140,000 to keep the Center City and Grays Ferry Crescent segments of Schuylkill Banks clean and safe; $16,1616 was spent on graffiti removal alone. SRDC is responsible for raising these funds, and these costs will continue to grow in the future as the trail expands.

Whether you are able to donate $20 (enough to buy two roller and pan sets) or $100 (enough to buy five gallons of anti-graffiti paint), every donation to SRDC makes a big impact!