Walnut Street Dock

Boating Facility Expansion

Boating Facility Expansion
Feasibility Study
Request for Proposals

Background and Study
The Schuylkill River Development Corporation (SRDC) is seeking proposals from design firms for a study of the feasibility of expanding the boating facilities on Schuylkill Banks in the vicinity of Walnut Street.

The study will investigate the existing boating related facilities on Schuylkill Banks near Walnut Street and determine if and how such existing facilities can be altered, expanded or added to improve access and operation for both motorized and non-motorized boats. Special attention shall be given to the tidal basin immediately downriver of Walnut Street to evaluate the possibilities of creating a non-motorized facility that would improve river access for kayaks and other non-motorized boats.

The study will identify problems or issues that would need to be addressed, the difficulty of addressing such issues, a description of permitting required, and the estimated design and construction costs of implementing the project.

This section of the river is prone to flooding. This needs to be considered as part of the evaluation.

Access to the Site
The study area is adjacent to the Schuylkill River trail and greenway and is accessible from the trail for pedestrians. Vehicle access is more limited but possible should specialized equipment be needed for the study.

SRDC is anxious to move this project forward and anticipates a study period of four months in duration measured from the Notice to Proceed. Design firms unable to meet this schedule should not submit a proposal.

Future Phases
The RFP is for a feasibility study. However, the selected firm may be retained for future phases (preliminary engineering, final design, etc.) should SRDC determine that to be in its best interest.

Selection of Design Firm
The selection of a design firm will be based upon the evaluation of the proposals by SRDC based on the merit of the proposal and the experience of the design team. Design fees, while important to SRDC, do not have to be presented and will not affect the selection process. Fee will be negotiated with the selected firm and if a mutually satisfactory fee cannot be negotiated, SRDC reserves the right to move to another proposer.

Proposals are due to the SRDC office by 4pm on October 11, 2024.

Proposals may be submitted in hard copy or electronically, but it is the responsibility of the proposer to assure delivery by the deadline.

Mailed or delivered proposals (one copy only) should go to:
Danielle Whitesel
Program Coordinator
Schuylkill River Development Corporation
2401 Walnut Street, Suite 603
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Electronic submissions should go to [email protected].

Questions regarding this process may be directed to Joseph Syrnick at [email protected].

Walnut Street Dock

Above image is of the Walnut Street Dock just north of the Walnut Street Bridge.

Tidal Basin

Above image is of the Tidal Basin just south of the Walnut Street Bridge.