Volunteers Show Some Love for the Banks

volunteers plant a tree on Schuylkill Banks

More than 30 volunteers, including a group from Penn Engineering, gathered on the Center City trail on November 15 to participate in LOVE Your Park Day, a citywide fall cleanup and planting event. It was a cold morning, but volunteers warmed up quickly as they worked with SRDC staff to bag leaves, pick up trash, plant trees and mulch. By noon, the all-star group had collected 10 bags of trash and 7 bags of leaves, planted seven trees and mulched every freestanding tree on the greenway. 

SRDC was thrilled with everyone’s hard work, dedication and positive attitude. We extend our deepest thanks to everyone who came out to volunteer as part of the LOVE Your Park Cleanup. There’s always a lot of maintenance work to do as we head into winter, and your efforts make all the difference!