Volunteers of the Month: Chas & Stacey Ryan

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Chas and Stacey Ryan reached out to us last fall with interest in helping out at the Grays Ferry Crescent. The Ryans moved back to Philly recently after three years away and were excited by all of the green initiatives taking off in the city. They currently live in Point Breeze, and regularly run or bike along the Crescent with their dog Honey.

Both experienced gardeners, Chas and Stacey coordinated with our Operations Manager Josh and began regularly weeding and mulching around trees and small planting beds. “We enjoy volunteering for the Schuylkill Banks because we get to be outside, we are able to get a good sweat in, and we enjoy the solitude and natural beauty of the Crescent, which is hard to find in South Philly,” says Chas.

SRDC is thrilled to see trail users like Chas and Stacey taking ownership of the trail and pitching in to make it even better. Upkeep of landscaping is no small task for SRDC’s small maintenance team, and Chas and Stacey’s efforts have made a tremendous impact.

Thanks for making the Crescent a better place for everyone, Chas and Stacey!