Volunteer of the Month: Tom Roach

Migrated automatically.

October was a busy month on the Banks, with riverboat tours, several cleanup events, and the grand opening of the Boardwalk. Throughout the month, SRDC staff depended on many wonderful volunteers to make these events possible. Our MVP this month is Tom Roach.

A regular trail user, Tom had often seen SRDC’s maintenance team removing trash and graffiti and was eager to lend a hand. During October, he became an invaluable member of the team, helping to pick up trash and beautify the trail on a daily basis. His willingness to jump in and take on these less than glamorous tasks has been invaluable, and is very much appreciated.

Tom also played a big part in the success of the Boardwalk opening celebration on October 5th, helping to set up snacks and entertainment for hundreds of trail users, and staying to clean up at the end of the event. Tom’s laid back, positive attitude and solid work ethic has made him a great addition to the team.

Thanks for getting involved and making Schuylkill Banks a better place for everyone, Tom!