Volunteer of the Month: Andrea Desabato

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Andrea DeSabato reached out to us in March with interest in volunteering on the Banks, and has since become a valuable member of the team. Andrea lives in Bala Cynwyd, but drives into the city to run and bike on the trail whenever she can. “Working in an office all week, on a computer, makes me really appreciate being outside around good people and sharing a really nice communal space,” she says. Andrea enjoys talking to people during her shift, and sharing their excitement about the trail and Schuylkill Banks events.

Andrea has been a great help during movie nights, kayak tours and cleanups. Her natural drive and positive energy inspire everyone around her to push harder. Whether carrying kayaks, trash bags or drink coolers before a movie night, Andrea is always ready to do some heavy lifting. She has stuck with us throughout the entire season, and we’re so grateful she did!

“My favorite part about volunteering is feeling like the work we do matters,” Andrea says. Indeed, the time and effort that our volunteers contribute is invaluable, and makes the Banks a much better place.

Thanks for all of your help this season, Andrea!