Thanks for a Great 2015 Season

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Another successful programming season has come to a close. Many thanks to everyone who supported SRDC’s mission by coming out for special events, riverboat tours, kayak tours and movie nights on Schuylkill Banks!

Our events wouldn't be possible without the help of our wonderful volunteers. A solid team of both new and returning volunteers allowed us to offer quality programming and keep the Banks clean and beautiful all season.

In addition to volunteers, we also had two excellent part-time employees staffing the Schuyllkill Banks Center this year. Huge thanks go out to Natalie Griffith and Talia Kassie, who were on the trail daily answering trail user questions and helping our events run smoothly. 

Even though our programming season is over, there is still plenty to do on Schuylkill Banks. We look forward to seeing you out walking, running and biking on the trail and relaxing along the greenway this fall and winter!