Conrail Donates Swing Bridge for the Schuylkill Crossing

On November 1st, Mayor Kenney and other City and State officials gathered to acknowledge Conrail's gift of an abandoned swing bridge just south of Grays Ferry Avenue to the City. SRDC is working with the City to design and build a new, fully operating swing bridge at this location. The bridge will provide a vital link for pedestrians and cyclists between the Grays Ferry Crescent and Bartram's Mile trail segments, and is an important step in linking Southwest Philadelphia residents into the larger Schuylkill River Trail.
The new crossing will cost approximately $12 million to build. The effort is funded in part by a $3.2 million federal TIGER grant, with state funding covering the rest. The City has begun to solicit bids for this project, and construction is scheduled to begin next year. Thanks to Conrail, the City, and the State, especially Representative Jordan Harris, for helping to push this project forward!